Democracy Deficit Disorder: Learning Democracy with Young People

Adam F.C. Fletcher and J. Cynthia McDermott

There is mounting evidence throughout the world that democracy is in retreat. This can be stopped and repaired by infusing it with action, beliefs, and knowledge. This book offers a powerful prescription to stop the democracy deficit disorder: authentically engaging young people throughout our democracy. Through critical thinking and substantive actions, adults can become allies to young people. This will lead to authentic youth engagement, which will make democracy more meaningful, purposeful, and sustainable than ever before.

Democracy Deficit Disorder: Learning Democracy with Young People by Adam F.C. Fletcher and J. Cynthia McDermott, EdD
This is the cover of Democracy Deficit Disorder: Learning Democracy with Young People by Adam F.C. Fletcher and J. Cynthia McDermott, EdD published by Peter Lang International Academic Publishers (2023).

Democracy Deficit Disorder is a brilliant book that takes on not only the current war on youth, but also illustrates how young people are writing themselves back into the future at time when democracy is under assault. Combining a language of critique and hope, the book offers a sobering analysis of the ongoing struggle over agency, identity, social values, and justice young people now face. The book makes clear how crucial critical education is to this current crisis and offers an indispensable guide to both understanding it and meeting the call for a democracy in which justice, equity, and compassion matter.”

— Henry Giroux, PhD Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest in the Department of English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University

“Fletcher is a leading expert in youth leadership and democracy. Adding depth and perspective to both areas, this book is a must-read resource to understand the possibilities for young people to make a difference in engaging in their communities and beyond. It contains substantial contributions for students, practitioners and researchers focused on young people changing the world, improving our communities, and making society a more just, equitable and empowering place for all. I highly recommend it.”

— Dana Mitra, Ph.D. Professor of Education, Department of Education Policy Studies, Penn State University

“This book uniquely suggests positioning young people as solutions to the democracy crisis. When I’ve asked progressives if they would prefer that the president and Congress be elected by 16-year-olds or by 66-year-olds, I’m surprised again and again at how hostile the liberal-left is toward youths. Easily half would rather see far-Right leadership than more teenagers voting. In 2022, opposition to lowering the voting age to 16-years-olds in a California city was led by a Democrat who argued that we didn’t need more ‘far left’ voters. This book might convince more progressives that youth are not ‘a problem, ‘ and instead part of the solution. I’m happy to bestow my endorsement.”

—Mike Males, PhD Senior Researcher, Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice

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